


What is the Guizhou Unicom Customer Service Number?

The Guizhou Unicom Customer Service Number is 10010, a nationwide free service hotline. This number provides 24-hour service, allowing users to inquire, file complaints, and give suggestions.

The Guizhou Unicom Customer Service can assist with:

  • Checking remaining balance, package quota, and data usage
  • Applying for or inquiring about services and their application progress
  • Complaints, suggestions, and repairs
  • Obtaining latest news and promotional information

To contact the Guizhou Unicom Customer Service, you can:

  • Make a phone call: Dial 10010
  • Send an SMS: Send “101” to 10010 for current month’s bill, “102” for available balance, and “103” for last month’s bill
  • Visit the website: China Unicom official website (www.chinaunicom.com.cn)
  • Follow the WeChat official account: China Unicom (wechatID: ChinaUnicom)

Furthermore, Guizhou Unicom has service centers in each city and prefecture where customers can handle transactions and seek assistance.


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